Essay- Role of Youth in Modern India

 Role of Youth Toda
Or Role of Young Men in free India . 
Or Role of Youth in Modern Indi


The future of a nation is safe in the hands of its youth . It's the time when the youth realised and individually shoulder the responsibility of shaping India in every aspect viz social , economical , political , administrative etc. Development of a strong nation demands youth possessing steely will power , mighty determination and tremendous grit .

The Youth of India 

The youth hopes for a world free of poverty , unemployment and inequality , a world full of creative challenges and opportunities to win them . If Indian youth make up their mind and work in close unity with working class people , they can hold the political power in their hands . 
Indian youth have the power to make our country from developing nation to a developed nation . Is it a dream ? No their dreams take them to stars and galaxies , to the far corners of the unknown places and some of them like our own Kalpana Chawla , pursue their dreams , till they realised it and die for it in process .

 Role of Youth

The young should always look with hope and confidence to the future . They must have the intention to work among the masses and also give a sense of direction for the others to follow . Political freedom gives duties as well as responsibilities . These are more important in the case of India because we want to be free from poverty , disease and all types of divisive forces . The faith of the youth is never so rigid . They can adopt , modify and change their ideas according to the demands of the situation . So , the youth of India should take this responsibility on their shoulders . 


India can become a developed nation only if everyone contributes to the best of his capacity and ability . Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilisation of the talents of the Youth , India will become a complete nation . Let hope for the same .
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