Position of Women in India Today
According to Swami Vivekananda " The country that does not respect women has never become great , nor ever be in future . " The women are the centre of our society and they are self made and self trained human beings responsible for the moral development of their children , inspiration for the family and an example for the society to follow .
Status of Women in the Past
The position of women in ancient India has been a very complicated one because of the contrasting statements in different religious books . Though woman enjoyed the theoretical importance as the wife who was defined as the better - half , but in practice she had a lower position than man . She was regarded as a bodily moveable property with no rights .
Status of Women Now
There have been a few signs of change . Indian womanhood is on the hig side . They are coming into their own . Today , women enjoy equal status with men . Today , modern woman is so good and self - sufficient that she can be easily called superwoman . Economic freedom and satellite television have brought about a sea - change in attitudes . Women started participating in many spheres . They are taking up employment in many areas both full - time and part - time . Women started participating in the economic life of the nation in a variety of ways .
Today , woman's future is as bright as her past has been dark . Women have shown their worth as leaders and administrators , and time is not far off , when Indian women will lead the world . It is evident that the place of women in free India is becoming more and more secure with the change of times . She can no longer be dominated and driven like dumb cattle by men . She is now an equal partner in her family ..