Most Important Essay Board Exam 2023

Most Important Essay Board Exam 2023

Disaster Management


God has created this universe which includes earth, water, sky, nature and deep down the earth surface. Nature has its own way. Sometimes it is soothing. sometimes it is ferocious. Whenever it turns to be in its bad temper it can bring devastation. It is known as disaster. Disaster is a very common phenomenon to the human society. It has been experienced by them since time immemorial. Though its form may be varied, it has been a challenge for society

Nature Disasters 

It includes floods, hurricanes, Natural earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that have immediate impacts on human health and secondary impacts causing further death and suffering

Environmental Disasters 

It includes technological or industrial accidents, usually involving the production, use or transportation of hazardous material, and occur where these materials are produced, used or transported, and forest fires caused by human beings. Pandemic Disaster It involves a sudden onset of contagious disease that affects health, disrupts services and businesses, and brings economic and social costs. 

How to Manage?

Disaster management is a collective and coordinated effort. These include co-ordination, command and control, rapid assessment of damage, restoration of power, telecommunication and surface transport, deployment of search and rescue arrangements for drinking water and food material, setting up of temporary shelters, sanitation and hygiene identification and earmarking of resources, last but not the least, maintenance of law and order is equally important. teams, medicals and Para-medical teams.


Disaster Management has assumed great importance in recent times. To handle the situation efficiently, we need to be well-equipped with latest technologies. It cannot avert the situation, but can mitigate its impacts. Road Accident


Population Problem Need to Control the Increasing Population


Overpopulation has been a major problem in India. The efforts to remove the curse of population problem have only been partially effective. As a consequence, the rate of population increase has gone down, but the balance between the optimum population growth and a healthy nation is far to be achieved.

Problems Due to Overpopulation

When population exceeds its environment's carrying capacity, nutrients shortages may reduce reproduction, and increase death rates, until the population falls below its maximum size. As the population rises, so does poverty. Being a developing country, India is being dragged into a vicious cycle of population and poverty by the increasing growth rate which leads to a development trap. This further increases other problems like illiteracy, unemployment and inflation. This makes eradication of poverty a very long-term goal in India.

Causes of Overpopulation

The main features of this stage are backward economy, low per capita income, low standard of living, inadequate and unbalanced diet, absence of educational opportunities and presence of social evils like polygamy, early marriages etc. Every country is caught up with this problem and population growth control has become an economic necessity.


Overpopulation is a hindrance in the path of India's economic development. Family planning awareness should be sown among the younger generations. Use of contraceptives should be encouraged. Smaller families contribute to the well-being of the individual as well as to India's economy. India's vast population puts a lot of stress on the economic infrastructure. It is high time we Indians took measures to control this escalating population for the progress of our economy and our country.


Why and How the Earth should be Protected from Pollutants

Or Pollution
Or Environmental Pollution Or Our Attitude towards Nature
Or Pollution in Metropolitan Cities
Or Pollution Control


 Environment is the surrounding of an organism. This environment in which an organism lives is made up of various elements like air, water, land etc. Any kind of undesirable and unwanted change in the proportions of these elements can be termed as pollution.

Causes of Pollution-

The poisonous water and waste product of the factories mingle with the water bodies and poison them. Resultantly, the aquatic life gets affected. The water is rendered useless which can neither be used for drinking nor for washing. This also results in the reduction of the area of water bodies. Such a situation arises when non-degradable products are dumped on fallow land or on the banks of rivers and sea shores.

Harmful Effects-

 Waste materials such as plastics, polythene, bottles etc cause land pollution and render soil infertile. Moreover, dumping of dead bodies of men and animals, washing of clothes and utensils add to the problem. Another major problem of pollution is the air that we breathe in, is being polluted by the smoke pouring out of chimneys and automobiles. No doubt, air pollution takes place even by volcanoes, cyclones, forest fires etc. but human activities are more responsible for causing air pollution. Gases like CO₂, CO, SO₂ are emitted, which mix with air and cause great harm to the human body, flora and fauna.


Use of organic manures should be encouraged instead of chemical fertilisers to prevent soil pollution. Planting of trees should be encouraged and cutting down of green trees should be strictly checked. Unleaded petrol should be used in vehicles. Industries should have proper emission systems and should conform to the laws in order to ensure safety of the people living in residential areas around. Strict laws should be legislated and enforced regarding the keeping of our sea shores and river banks clean.


The government should also try to educate people about various kinds of pollution and create public awareness. People should be involved in helping to reduce and control pollution. Until, we all get serious and resolve to make our planet a better place to live in, humanity stands amidst grave danger of perishing and being destroyed due to the severe and increasing problem of pollution.

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