India of Your Dreams/
Your Idea of a Happy Nation/
How I Want to See India/
India of My Dream/
My Dream India
Introduction Albert Einstein, the genius, once said, "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which, no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." I believe in each word said by him and believe that India has a lot more to teach the world. Most supreme is the India of My Dreams
Features of Dream India In the land of my dreams, the sufferings of millions and the burden of poverty will be no more. The ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor will be bridged. Education will be free and compulsory, and there will be complete law and order. Crime and violence will no longer be existing because nobility and values will reign all over. Every citizen will be free to express his ideas. No one would be deprived of justice. Everyone will live with dignity. There will be equal rights for everyone. There shall be no discrimination between the rich and the poor, high and low, man and woman.
Barriers in Dream India Dividing forces like casteism, parochialism, provincialism, regionalism, chauvinism will lose their identity and roots. There will be no more corrupt politicians in the country. The country will be run by capable and able youth, who are elected democratically. Terrorism and violence would end. Peace will reign supreme.
Bureaucracy will be honest and prompt in their duty. Right incentives will be given to those, who are economically backward to bring them at par with others. There would be no minority and no majority feelings. No part of the country would feel side-lined or cut off from the mainstream. There would be no child labour, po exploitation and no one will sleep hungry. Science and technology will trickle down to every village, town and city. Computer literacy will be cent per cent. Science will erase even the least traces of superstitions and ignorance. India will be a heaven of scientists.
Conclusion India of my dreams will be a superpower with all the modern and developed amenities. It would have the best war-time machines and thus will be free from any kind of fear. Yet, it will be the most environment friendly nation. It will be a corruption free nation where every citizen will exert its voting right. Thus, India of my dreams would be strong and economically self-reliant and strong in its defence, politically astute, socially civilised, non-communal, secular, educated and united.