Essay- Need to Keep Cleanliness and Hygiene in Life

Need to Keep Cleanliness and Hygiene in Life

Introduction It is rightly said 'cleanliness is next to godliness.' Cleanliness means keeping our body, mind and everything around us clean. This is a good habit. It should be developed from early life. Cleanliness refers to the habitual acts of keeping the dirt away, to maintain good health, following both personal and environmental hygiene practices. In simple words, it refers to the state of being clean.

 Meaning Cleanliness means "to keep clean and to avoid dirt". The practice to clean everything is cleanliness. There are different types of cleanliness, the cleaning of clothes, the cleaning of house, the cleaning of streets, the cleaning of ourselves etc. The most important is to clean ourselves because if we do not care for our cleanliness, we do not bother about the cleaning of surroundings. We feel the need of cleanliness only when, we do practice cleaning ourselves.

 Importance Cleanliness is important for healthy mind, body and spirit. Our first duty is to be clean. Every morning, as soon as we get up, we must clean our teeth, wash our face and take a bath, It is very important now-a-days to keep ourselves clean because a huge population is dying just because of diseases caused due to the lack of cleanliness. So, it is very necessary to be aware of the importance and necessity of the cleanliness in our lives. We all together need to take a step towards cleanliness to save thousands of lives and give them healthy life.

 Conclusion Cleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilisation. A man of dirty habits is far from civilisation. So, with the progress of civilisation man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his mind, heart, all his actions and manners. This will lead him to the highest form of civilisation. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important. Distribution Function in

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