Essay- Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers 

Introduction- It can't be denied that the world has progressed in all spheres of life by leaps and bounds. Our life, these days, is certainly more comfortable than that of our forefathers. But, the question is that "Are we happier than them?"

 Life of Our ForefathersThe world of our forefathers was different from that of today. They lived in villages. Scientific inventions were not made. There were no planes, cars, movie, radio etc. There was no electricity so they were deprived of all the comforts. They moved in the jolting, slow-moving carts or carriages. The life was simple. They were engaged in tilling the soil for a living. They got their daily needs easily. They had plenty of everything. They took active part in all sorts of games. Contentment and happiness prevailed there. 

Life of Ours- In our modern age, life- is full of comforts and luxuries. We have a much longer life to enjoy our freedom. Modern medicine has improved longevity from a mere 45 years to 70. These are the blessings of science. We can travel in railways, ships, motor cars and airplanes. The old days of trouble and difficulties have come to an end. Material civilisation has, no doubt, made a wonderful progress but the moral development of man or moral values has been totally neglected. It has nothing to do with happiness, goodness, beauty, courage, adventure, justice, friendship, love of family, love of country etc.

Conclusion- In all the contexts it may be the irony to say that we are leading a better life than our forefathers. Though they had no such blessings and physical comforts of science, yet they had warmth in relations, creativity in artistic imaginations in the shape of literature, neat and clean environment, good body structure, self satisfaction.

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