Central Idea Of My Mother at Sisty-six By- Kamala Das

Central Idea Of My Mother at Sisty-six By- Kamala Das

 Central Idea-

The Poem "My Mother at Sisty-six" is composed by an Indian popular English poetess "Kamala Das".

The Central Idea of the poem is 'Ageing'. Which is the eternal law of nature. The poetess had gone to meet her mother. Seeing his mother pale face, she realize that his mother was very old. The poetess is become really sad. The poetess mention the close relationship between a mother and a daughter. Everyone has love for her mother. While she was going away from her mother who has grow old. But, she knows that every things has change one day. Aging and death spore none. When a person young she was full of energy and then old and than die. During the curse of life. We meet many people and leave them.

In the poem was very Emotional.
The Figure of Speech used - Simile and Metaphor.
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